Vanmiddag waren er maar 4.000 toeschouwers tijdens het NK marathonschaatsen op de Oostvaardersplassen, veel minder dan de organisatie hoopte. Voor een beschermd natuurgebied was het nog druk zat. en en (20:00 uur Journaal: op 9min:18sec)
HMI (Hydrargyrum Medium-Arc Iodide) is a type of light which uses an arc lamp instead of an incandescent bulb to produce light. HMI lights are high-quality and correspondingly expensive. They are popular with film and television production companies but their price puts them out of reach of those with modest budgets. HMI lights require a ballast, an electronic (or magnetic) device which provides the ignition pulse and regulates the arc. Advantages of HMI lights include: Efficiency: 2 to 5 times as efficient as incandescents. This means they use less power and run cooler. Colour temperature: HMIs run at around 5600K, daylight temperature. This makes daylight shooting easier, as well as eliminating loss of light from gels (which are necessary with incandescents). Light Quality: Directors of photography speak highly of the light produced by HMIs.
NOS 18:00uur & 20:00uur Journaal van donderdag 8 januari 2009
1.276.000 & 2.208.000 kijkers